Renan Machado

22 May 2019


  • Bachelor’s degree, Electrical Engineering, UFT (Dec/2019)
  • Technician’s degree, Computer Networks, CPM-TO (Dec/2013)

Work Experience

  1. Digital Inclusion Monitor - Information Technology Departament, UFT (2019 - present)
  2. Intern, Development - PROEST, UFT (6 months, 2017)


  • English: Advanced
  • Portuguese: Native

Other Activities

  1. Head of Marketing and Technology Inovation at the Junior Enterprise of Electrical Engineering (2018 - present)
  2. Member of IEEE Student Branch (R9 region) of Federal University of Tocantins (4 months, 2016)
  3. Software register/patent application at INPI BR5120160004150 (2015-2016)

Complementary Education

  • Machine Learning with Python Track (Datacamp)
    • Supervised Learning with scikit-learning
    • Unsupervised Learning in Python
    • Linear Classifiers in Python
    • Machine Learning with the Experts: School Budgets
  • Developing Big Data Solutions with Azure Machine Learning (edX)

Published on 10 May 2019 Last edit on 22 May 2019 Find me on LinkedIn!